Oblique Apartments
Nestled at the vibrant intersection of H Street and 12TH Street NE in Washington DC, stands a multi-family residential apartment complex that seeks to maximize solar access, while also creating a dynamic visual presence. The design of this building consists of strong 30 degree angles and stepped floors, optimal for sun exposure on the rear of the apartment complex, to ensure each unit enjoys unobstructed access to sunlight. Situated at a prominent corner, the building offers ground level retail on H Street, and connection to the residential neighborhood along 12TH Street. The unique geometry of the building provides visual interest that not only captivates the attention of pedestrians, but offers residents ample sunlight and inviting living spaces.

Exterior Perspective
Site Plan

Concept Sketches

Ground Floor
Floors 1 & 2
Floor 3
Floors 4 & 5
Apartment Arrangement

Studio Plan
1 Bedroom Plan
2 Bedroom Plan

East Elevation in Context - 12TH Street
North Elevation in Context - H Street